[Quick Tip] Enable the Single-Column Stream Layout for that "Classic" Look

The new look Google+ introduced a multi-column layout for the stream. There is an option to revert to the "classic" single-column layout for those who aren't a fan however.

This is the very definition of Quick Tip, as it takes only seconds to switch between both multi and single-column layouts for the stream.

Just hit "More" on the tabbed bar underneath the search box, it'll be to the very right of a few of your circles.
Clicking "More" brings up a list of the rest of your circles, as well as any saved searches you may have. At the very bottom of the menu, you'll see the stream layout options. Just click the button on the right and hey presto, you have a single column of Google+ goodness!
If you want to switch back to the default view, the option will be waiting for you in the "More" menu whenever you fancy it.
The multi-column layout (default)
The single-column layout (classic)
Both layouts have their pros and cons; the multi-column will display more posts at a time but because there's more going on, it can look cluttered and doesn't have great eye flow. The single-column is great for scanning through posts but doesn't utilise the screen real-estate as much. It's all down to opinion though.

So readers, which layout do you prefer? Multi-column or single-column (classic)?