[Quick Tip] Enable the Single-Column Layout for Profiles and Communities

People are using our community to ask if there's a way to enable the single-column layout for Communities and other pages. There's a quick tip for that.

There isn't a readily available option to change the layout on Communities or for any other pages apart from the stream, it is hidden away in the settings.

Go to Google+ Settings and scroll all the way down until you see the *Accessibility* category. Done that? Great, you're half way there. Check the box that reads "Change the presentation of some pages to work better with screen readers and other accessibility tools".
Look for the accessibility settings
When going back to the home stream, you'll notice that it has changed to the single-column layout. Unlike the Quick Tip we published yesterday, Profiles, Communities, What's Hot and more will also change to a single-column layout for better accessibility, and for those wanting a more "classic" layout.
Our Google+ Updates community with posts displayed in a single-column
You can always uncheck the box to default to the regular multi-column layout, but it's good to know that the option is there if you fancy mixing up your Google+ experience.

Will you be switching to single or sticking with multi? We'd love to know!