[Update] Changes Come to the Android & iPhone App

Today the Google+ team is rolling out updates to both it's Android and iOS apps with some added features and some changes to the user interface.

Photo Editing

Change a photo filter and elements directly from the Google+ app.
The coolest update to the Google+ app is only for iPhone for now. As we could have expected when Google bought Snapseed, some of it's editing functionality has begun being added to the Google+ app. However, for now it's only on iPhone. The same functionality should come to Android in the near future. For now, you can rotate, crop, add filters, adjust elements like saturation, contrast and brightness. Full functionality will most likely gradually become a part of the Google+ app in coming updates.

More Engagement Friendly Posts

More text including comments. Bigger +1, reshare, and comment buttons.
There's also been an update for Android to the user interface of the content in the Stream. You will now see more text before clicking on an individual post, including from comments. One tap on videos, photos, or links attachments to the post will now take you directly to them instead of tapping the post and then tapping the additional content. The ability to +1, reshare, and comment is more prominently displayed with buttons that stand out.
Fuller photo previews
There's a lot for photo sharers to be happy about. Image previews are now rarely cropped meaning you'll see the image the way it was supposed to be seen.  You'll also now be able to swipe through a photo album similar to how you can in the Facebook app. These updates should all help to increase engagement from mobile users especially on posts with photos.


With the new updated app, both Android and iPhone app will have more control of their communities on the go. You'll be able to adjust how many posts from your communities appear in your Home Stream. You'll also now have the ability to invite people to a community as well as search current members. Moderators will also enjoy the added ability to report-remove-ban that they've become accustomed to on the desktop version. You'll also now have the ability to reshare posts with a community, an option I thought would have come much sooner.

What's your favorite addition in today's update to the Google+ app? Let us know in the comments below!
Pictures courtesy of Google.