Google+ iOS app updated with Google Drive photos, Google Apps support and more

Google+ iOS app updatedVersion 4.5 of the Google+ app for iPhone & iPad is beginning to roll out today. With it comes support for viewing photos and videos stored in Google Drive and access for Google Apps accounts.

Following on from this week's Google+ Android app update, the iOS has also received an app update. It brings many changes which was seen in this Android app update; including Google Drive support, access for Google Apps accounts and the removal of Google+ Messenger.

Photos and videos stored in Google Drive are now accessible from Google+

You now have the ability to use Google+ to view and share your photos or videos stored on Google Drive. The feature was added earlier this week for Android and is also available on the web. With this added option, you will not be charged any additional cost for your storage and your originals will stay on Google Drive. As with any other Google+ photo, these photos will be auto-enhanced and auto-awesomed. They will also stay private until you choose to share them.

Google Apps for Business now supported

If your Google Apps for Business administrator has enabled Google+ on your account, you'll now be able to share posts with the public, your circles, and those in your organization (domain-restricted posts). You'll also now be able to quickly see if someone is part of your Google Apps domain just by looking at their profile.

Google+ Messenger is finally removed

At Google I/O this year, Google announced the new Google+ Hangouts app to replace both Google+ Messenger and Google Talk. It replaced Google Talk immediately, but G+ Messenger has stayed as Google made it possible to download your conversations. From today, G+ Messenger is finally being removed, and all users will be able to download the text and photos from their Messenger conversations using Google Takeout.

Other minor updates

Along with the removal of G+ Messenger, Google+ team have improved support for Hangouts in iOS by making it easier for users to start a new Hangouts conversation. You can start a Hangout or share a private post with someone directly from their profile. Finally, a minor change has been made to the profile page with the inclusion of the 'Reviews' and 'Videos' tabs.

Google+ iOS App version 4.5 is rolling out from today, and should be available from the App Store. Check it out by using the download button below!

Download Google+ iOS app