5 Google+ Features That You've Probably Missed

5 features you've probably missed
Whether you're new to Google+ or are a seasoned plusser, here's 5 features you may have missed on the way.

1. Saved Searches

+Google+ first launched with a then-touted feature called Sparks, remember them? Sparks was actually just a prettified saved search feature, and it still exists, you've just got to know where to look.

To create a saved search, just type your query into the search box and click the red button, 'Save this search'. To access it, just click on 'Explore' in the navigation ribbon and you'll see it hiding under 'Trending' on the right-column of the stream. Alternatively, you can find them all the way at the bottom of your list of circles from the circles quick-list on the home stream.

To remove a saved search, click on the one you'd like to remove and there'll be a "Remove saved search" button next to the cog menu on top of the stream.

Saved searches are useful if you find yourself typing the same query frequently. I save my favourite hashtags so I can easily view the respective stream in a click.

saved searches
'Your Saved Searches' can be found hiding in 'Explore'

2. Customisable Navigation Ribbon

You can actually re-order the icons on the navigation ribbon. It's easy! Just click, hold and drag an icon to where you'd like it to be. If you don't use a feature much, just drag it to "More".

navigation ribbon reorder
Just drag'n'drop
Although the feature was one of the big changes of the April 2012 redesign and was shown-off in the announcement video (below), a lot of people missed it!

3. Download Data Utility

Unlike Facebook, +Google has made it really easy for you to download your data. To do this, go to your account settings and click the little arrow next to "Account" on the left-side menu, then just click "Download your data".

download your data
One you've clicked the blue download button, it will take you to another page where you choose to select the services you'd like to download or all of them. Once you're done, just click "Create archive", then it should be heading straight to your Download folder.

4. Official Google+ Chrome Extensions

Now there's no excuse not to plus
Rocking +Google Chrome? Add these official extensions to feed your Google+ addiction.

With the official Google+ web app, Google+ Notifications and +1 Button extensions, you'll never miss a post or notification again. Ever.

5. Add Email Addresses to Your Circles

You can add people and pages to your circles, but did you know you can also add people who haven't hopped on the bandwagon yet? Just type in their email address after click "Add a new person" either when creating or editing a circle.

adding an email to circles
This is great because you can easily share photos. videos and everything else with people straight from the sharebox! Share enough and they might decide to join themselves. ;-)

Have a favourite little known G+ feature? Share it in the comments or in our community!