Latest version of Google Play Store moves the +1 button, places more focus on recommendations

4.9 of Google's Play Store for Android devices is rolling out with more focus on +1s and what people in your circles are recommending.

The main changes are found when visiting app/music/book/movie/magazine titles with a redesign that follows Google's Material Design guidelines. In a nutshell, this means less clutter and more of what you want to see, with a big focus on content.

What we're interested in is the improvements made to recommendations in the partly visually-refreshed Play Store. On versions previous to this one, the +1 button would be near the top of the page, underneath the content's title and screenshots. And on 4.9, the button has been made larger but has moved to below the review section next to 'Share' which not only lets you share to Google+, but to other apps installed on your device as usual.
With 4.9, you'll find the +1 button near the bottom of the page
Although the +1 button isn't front and center any more, recommendations by the people in your circles are easier to see due to bigger profile photo thumbnails. If a particular piece of content is popular among your friends, you'll find that you can swipe along the recommendations to see more of the people who've +1'ed that content rather than just a random pick like in previous versions.

Version 4.9 of the Google Play Store is currently rolling out to devices over the next couple of weeks so if you don't see it yet, it'll be heading its way to your devices soon.

Do you think more or less people will find and use the +1 button now it has moved? Let us know your thoughts down in the comment section below.