Vic Gundotra discusses upcoming Google+ updates in recent interview

Head of Google+, Vic Gundotra The name +Vic Gundotra goes hand in hand with fresh Google+ improvements and is just an overall great guy. He's also the head of Google+! In a recent interview (with the +Google Plus Week TV Show) he discussed a few different things including upcoming Google+ updates.

Vic answered the inquiries of users with a new Questions app for Hangouts On Air, which allowed for each question to rise to the top according to the number of +1's each received. He answered questions touching on a number of Google topics on how Google+ will be growing in the coming third year.

Here were the hosts (I recommend adding each to your circles):

+Dan McDermott
+Allen Firstenberg
+Nate Swanner

Before the questions, the discussion started off with Vic explaining how great the last year was for Google+ with this year's Google I/O, the implementation of Hangouts and the enhancements to photos. After that, it was on to everyone's questions (with summarized answers from Vic)!

With all these services getting pushed to Google Now, will we ever see Google+ notifications in Google Now?

Google is working on this integration of services and there may be times where they'll have this integration. The main focus today is focusing around proactive notifications (e.g. foreign country exchange rates when traveling). They're still in the early stages of integrating of Google+'s social notifications.

When will we see an API for Google+ and Hangouts?

Many companies try to make their platform more successful for developers and fail. It's important not to shift the platform after apps are made, and they've been very careful with Google+ to take steps not to break all the work that's already been done. They've also released tools, like Google+ Direct Connect, for more layers of interactivity. They will be working more to continue opening up those APIs as they're confident developers will not need to go back later on.

When will Hangouts On Air be supported for +Project Glass?

A date hasn't been set yet for this for when this will be possible and they're working on dealing with broadcasting copyrighted material. "It's not that far away" from when that will be a feature.

When will we be able to bookmark or favorite a post for later reading or share it via Android’s standard “share-to” menu?

This is on the list of updates they get questions about as well as rich text editing, better formatting, and create folders. These are all features they want to work on to implement in the future. They are also focusing on keeping the system from becoming as complex as a mail system.

How many users are actively using Hangouts on a regular basis?

They don't release exact numbers, but the old Hangouts had accelerated growth before it was a standalone IM system. With the new updates, the growth has dramatically jumped. Their goal is to continue to improve on the product with the feedback from the users.

What would you have done differently in building the platform?

They would have decided to create Google+ sooner. It's also become clear that it's not just about pages, but people. They understand that "it's not about information, it's about individuals."

When will HOAs come to iOS?

This is one of the most requested features from users, and it's in the works. There isn't an exact date at this time.

Are there any plans to bring Google+ to the Windows Store?

There are no current plans due to the small volumes seen.

Will the ability to save draft posts be added in the near future?

This feature currently ranks behind other formatting updates planned, but it is on the list. They are currently experimenting with a number of these tools now.

Are there any plans for a paid Hangouts On Air?

This is another one of the most popular requests for professional services. There is nothing to announce at this time.

When will Google Music be available in other countries?

The goal is to release Google products to every country in the world at launch, but license agreements has been difficult to negotiate for Google Music. The agreement process is currently in the process of getting all regions access to the service.

Will there be a picture in picture feature available soon for Hangouts?

There may be a feature like that in a release but Vic didn't want to answer the it without giving away an upcoming update.

Will the Questions app for Hangouts On Air be available to use soon?

The app is being experimented on with a set of users and doesn't have a timeframe for release.

What can you say on future integration with Google+ and YouTube?

Certain questions are being looked into: If you follow someone on Google+, should you automatically follow their YouTube? How can the experience become more seamless? There are so many scenarios being looked at to integrate the two to improve the user experience.

What are the plans to make the video quality better in the future?

There is a strong focus on making the quality of Hangouts better. One is higher video quality and the other is users around the world with low bandwidth situations. They have been investing a lot to improve both of those systems.

How do you balance the constant desire to create “new and shiny” vs. making things more reliable?

The "moonshots" are the inspiration for the future, and the dreams for development of Google+ are like that. The way to get there is to ensure the current product isn't filled with bugs. It's important to spend the time to polish and improve on stability and consistency on the Google platforms. Keeping the current user base excited for the future of the products keeps them inspired to go for the bigger ideas.

When will we see a return of features of Picasa for Google+ like collaborative albums?

There are a lot of hurdles when you combine two different platforms and user interfaces that must be overcome. There is a list of those they are currently working to bring back one at a time. There are often many complexities to ensure privacy is kept for the user they want to make sure are done right.

Check out the full interview below!

Vic Gundotra is well known for giving just enough information about upcoming updates to keep us guessing, and there wasn't any difference with today's interview: There were a lot of interesting head nods to future updates.

What are you most excited for? Which questions would you have asked? Let us know in the comments below!