Photo spheres on Views adds Google+ Comments integration

Views, a website which allows you to view publicly shared photo spheres (360 degree panoramas) on Google Maps has integrated comments functionality powered by Google+.

Views is an excellent crowd-sourced website where people can upload their photo spheres captured using the Google Camera app or DSLR and put them on the map for the world to see. Because of this, it is possible to reach views of hundreds and thousands.

With today's launch of Google+ Comments for Views, viewers can now choose to engage with your interactive panoramas by +1'ing or commenting. Several people that you've added to your circles who've interacted with your photo sphere in some way will be displayed as thumbnails on the sidebar, just how they'd look on Google+ posts.
All the Google+ basics are there - +1's, comments and sharing
Although not new, it is interesting to note that sharing to not just Google+ but Twitter is also possible, as well as the ability to copy a direct link or code for embedding. This isn't the first time Views has seen elements of Google+ mind you - users have already been able to add photographers to their circles and view the content within Google+ itself.

Although it has been a while since we've seen any major changes grace the Google+ site, I am happy to to see development and integration continuing across Google's other products.

Will you be engaging with photographers on Views via the new Google+ integrated commenting system?