Control Communities Posts on Your Profile

The Google+ Communities Team allows you to take more control over your community posts and profile.

When Communities launched on Google+, it launched with all of your posts in public communities automatically being posted to your Google+ profile. In some ways, this is good because others can get a sense of what you are into including what you post in Google+ Communities when viewing your profile. However, some people didn't like the fact that they didn't have an option  if this happened or not.

New setting option for Google+ Communities
New setting option for Google+ Communities

Today, +Brian Glick and the Google+ Communities Team have announced that they are rolling out a new setting on your Google+ Account Settings that will allow you to choose whether or not your posts appear on the Posts tab of your Google+ profile. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click the check box button under the "Communities" heading (as shown above) if you want to change the setting. The update is rolling out gradually, so you might not see it yet. 

The change is also retroactive, so if you change the setting, all of your community posts will be removed. Of course, as has always been the case, your posts in private communities will continue to only be visible to those also in the community whether or not you choose to show them on your profile.

+Brian Glick and +Vic Gundotra have also teased that there will be more updates to Communities "in the coming weeks."

Is this an option you asked for? What do you think will be the next update to Communities?

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Photo credit: Brian Glick