Google testing Google+ widget in Gmail

Tuesday, at Internet Week New York, which runs from May 20th through May 27th, +Christian Oestlien, a Product Management Director at Google, gave a keynote presentation where he announced a new Google+ widget that the team is testing in Gmail.

Google testing related Google+ page widget in Gmail
During his half-hour presentation at Internet Week New York, Oestlien discussed how businesses are using Google+ including Google+ Sign-In. In addition, he announced that Google is beginning to test a new widget in Gmail for Google+ pages related to the email sender. In Oestlien's example (see above), there's an email from YouTube. To the right of the email, there is a new widget showing YouTube's Google+ page along with their most recent post and "follow" button.

Oestlien described the new widget as being automatic for emails read it using the desktop version of Gmail. It appears that Google checks if the domain name of the email address is associated with a Google+ page in order to decided whether or not to show the widget and which page should appear.

Although Oestlien has already announced the new feature, it does not to appear to be rolling out just yet, which suggests that they are still testing it. However, I would expect that we'd see it out in the next month or so.

Once the widget rolls out, it will make it easier for brands to build their following on Google+. It should also lead to Google+ receiving more active accounts, both in the form of brand pages and personal profiles.

See below for Oestlien's full presentation:

What do you think of the soon to come Google+ widget for Gmail? Let us know in the comments!