Google Releases First Google+ Sign-In Usage Statistics

Google has released it's first official Google+ Sign-In usage numbers since it was announced on February 26th, and over-the-air Android app installs are seeing great engagement. When given the option to install an app using the over-the-air install feature, they accept it 40% of the time.

Google Plus Sign In
Although over-the-air installs is only one piece of Google+ Sign-In, it is probably one of the most important because of what it can mean for Google in the terms of increased usage of both Google+ and Android as well as for publishers in the terms of more engagement with their readers.

Today, in a pre-Google I/O announcement, a Google representative contacted us with a statement from Seth Sternberg, Google+ Product Management Director (former CEO of Meebo), with the first numbers released regarding Google+ Sign-In. It's definitely positive news for everyone involved:
"When we launched Google+ Sign-In, we wanted to bridge the gap between desktop and mobile by allowing web users to instantly download a site's Android app with just one click using our over-the-air install feature. Since launch, we're now finding that 40% of people who are offered to install a website's mobile app, accept. This is a significant benefit for consumers, who can now easily access their favorite sites on the go, and developers, who are experiencing greater mobile usage."
Google Plus Sandbox Partners
Google+ Sandbox Partners
Google+ already has an expansive and impressive list of websites using Google+ Sign-In, including 49 in the Google+ Sandbox. The list includes companies like Fancy, Fandango, NPR, eHow, and Toyota. This good news should only further accelerate the speed at which companies are jumping on board with it.

With 15 Google+ sessions at Google I/O, 7 of which are focused on Sign-In, we are sure to see more news coming out the next two days. There will most likely be more numbers released and possibly even an expansion of features.

What are your thoughts on the usage of over-the-air installs so far? Do you think these official numbers will lead to more companies implementing Google+ Sign-In on their websites?