SoundCloud integrates with Google+ for easier music sharing

Today, SoundCloud has announced that they are increasing their integration with Google+ after becoming a Google+ Sign-In partner back in May.

There has long been an integration of Google Play Music with Google+ where those in your circles could get a free listen to any music you purchased on Google Play (as long as you shared it with them). Well, now SoundCloud is getting in on the Google+ integration action!
SoundCloud and Google+ Integration
As of today, any SoundCloud URL shared on Google+ will come with a new widget (like the one featured in this article above). The new widget will allow any user to play the music directly from their Google+ Stream. This streamlining of the processes is win-win for musicians, their fans, SoundCloud, and Google+.

A few big names are already using the new integration including Pearl Jam and Armin van Buuren, so you can check it out on their Google+ pages. The widget seems to look a little different depending on the size of the card even on desktop. If the column is a bit bigger, it looks like it does at the beginning of this post. However, if the column is a bit smaller, then the cover art of the album is removed and it looks like the one below: 
Smaller Google+ column doesn't have the album art.
To celebrate the new SoundCloud integrated Google+ posts, artists are using the hashtag #soundcloudplus, so it makes it a bit easier to check out any other posts using the new SoundCloud widget.

This is the first integration of it's kind with non-Google products. Do you think it could be foreshadowing an opening of the Google+ API or some other expansion of the Google+ platform for developers?

Image source: SoundCloud