New default Google+ profile and page pictures rolling out

Updated versions of the default profile and page pictures are rolling out, now consistent with the overall Google+ look and feel.

Often referred to as "blue men", the people who don the default profile picture will soon have a fresh look as an updated design is being rolled out. The fresh lick of paint on the profile photos of those who haven't gotten around to uploading one of their own face, sports brighter shades of blue and a more simple design. Check it out:
The new icon is more universal, as it doesn't define a gender any more (previously, every "blue man" picture was a silhouette of a man) but lacks any personality, which I think is an intended move to encourage users to upload their own profile photo.

Pages without profile pictures uploaded will also see an updated design, but one that isn't as strikingly different compared to the old and new profile pictures. The new default page picture has the same more pronounced blue palette as the new profile, which blends in better with the visual refresh of the platform introduced at Google I/O 2013 in May.
I expect the roll out to have finished by the end of the day, and hopefully it is only part of a bigger update that the Google+ team is getting ready to announce. Stay tuned!

What do you think of the new default images for profiles and pages?

Thanks to +Sean S and +GPU for reporting the changes in our Google+ Updates Community!