The real value of Google+ relationships

With Google+ being a very open social media network, creating relationships on the platform is inevitable. In today's "Marketing Monday" article, +Carolyn Capern of CT Social gives insight into what the real value of these Google+ relationships is and why you should strive to build them.

For those of us who are already familiar with the platform, it’s easy to see the value of Google+. We know why it is the kind of platform it is; we have set up our circles and identified some people with whom we want to have conversations.

However, for someone arriving “fresh off the boat” from Facebook, Google+ can be a daunting place. Why? The number one complaint that I consistently hear from new Plussers is some variation on, “All of my friends are on Facebook; who am I supposed to talk to here?”

People who asked that have not yet discovered the real beauty of Google+—and indeed, have perhaps missed the biggest point of Google's social media network in the first place.

Google+ is not about the friends you already have. It’s about the new friends that you never imagined you’d meet. After all, there is a whole world out there, filled with interesting people doing unique things. Not all of them are famous, either, so you probably won’t learn about them from any kind of national-level renown. That’s where social media in general—and Google+ in particular—can step in.

Why should I build new relationships on Google+?

Well, if you have to ask, then you probably haven’t yet figured out why you are on social media. Either that or you are just here to see your friends’ personal photos and assorted memes. And that’s okay. However, if you are looking for a bit more from your social media experiences, here are a few reasons to build new relationships online:

5)   Your online communities will never be more interesting. If you limit your social media experience to people who share only personal photos and memes, you may be cutting yourself off from an expanded world of knowledge and dialogue. Networks like Google+ are built on ideas, shared among people who turn them into deeper conversations and relationships.

4)   Find like-minded people, and turn them into partners. Over the course of many conversations on Google+, you will talk to lots of different people. Some of them, though, will stand out. You will find those with whom you share worldviews, life experiences, hobbies, and more. It is a beautiful thing that can often lead to positive lifelong relationships...and even productive partnerships on business projects, volunteer outings, and shared hobbies.

3)   Share different perspectives honestly and respectfully. You’re not going to agree with everyone who crosses your Google+ Stream. That should be a given. Inevitably, you’ll run across trolls who just want to fight, and you'll learn how to deal with them. But if you find the right people, you’ll also probably learn to have vigorous debates and still walk away with a greater respect for the other side.

2)   Build support networks. It’s tough to be honest about your life experience. We've all walked our long lonely roads. However, perhaps because of the filter of the computer, there are communities on Google+ built around people who believe in the healing power of sharing those experiences honestly with others. Digital platforms like Google+ can facilitate a very real support network among people who create an atmosphere of warmth and understanding.

And the #1 reason to build new social media relationships

All of the reasons listed above should be great motivation for individuals who are hesitant to reach out to form new communities on Google+. But what about businesses or professionals who are looking to use Google+ to market their company? What is the financial return on the hours of time that it can take to effectively build relationships online?

There are a number of possible answers to that question, but ultimately, the most compelling and likely-to-succeed motivation for a relationship marketing plan is advocacy.

As +Greg Trujillo explains in this overview of social media marketing, social media marketing is the art of turning strangers into friends, friends into customers, and customers into evangelists. It’s an ongoing process, but it is one that is most fundamentally based on relationships.

If done right, the advocacy outcomes of social media relationships will be much the same as the ones you may create through offline networking. You've created a free marketer for your business. You've built a relationship with someone who will speak up for you, defend you, and recommend your products or services to others. In marketing terms, this one person is worth five times as much as a ‘normal’ customer that walks through the door. When you give them a high-quality experience, they will give back to you in positive reviews, recommendations, and vocal support many times over.

Have you made new friends or built new partnerships through Google+? How and why did you build up those relationships, and what results have you seen since then? Share with us!