'Tis the season for new Google+ Auto Awesomes

In classic Google fashion, the Google+ team is giving us an early present under in the form of new Auto Awesomes! You'd have to be a Grinch not want to use these every day until the end of the year. OK, maybe everyone's not addicted to taking pictures to generate Auto Awesomes like me, but it's still pretty darn cool.

What new animated "GIFts" should we expect in our photo galleries when this update rolls out? Let's dive in!

You're probably like me and wondering how this exciting effect is achieved. The answer? Magic! Trust me; magic is real. Seriously though, +Erik Murphy-Chutorian posted an update earlier this morning with a list on which fresh changes will be coming soon:
  1. Twinkle [see above]: upload a new photo of something that sparkles (like a Christmas tree or a chandelier), and Google+'s software will gift you a version with lights that actually twinkle.
  2. Snow [on the right]: upload a new photo with snow to Google+, and Google+'s software will gift you a version with snow that’s actually falling.
I'm confident these seemingly simple additions to the fantastic Auto Awesome lineup will brighten up everyone's streams for the holidays. I know I can't wait to grab pictures of the lights and snow to make the season bright.

Expect more cool changes (see what I did there? :P) from the Google team as we head toward the New Year!

How will you use these sweet new features in your posts? What Auto Awesomes would you like to see added in the future?