Connect with your Google+ contacts via Gmail

I am very excited to report that Google+ and Gmail are getting a little closer. Google reported earlier today that there's an update coming that allows for your Google+ contacts to show up in the drop-down when communicating through Gmail.
This is excellent news for anyone who's had that time that they got all of someone's info other than their email. I'm sure everyone's done it. Now there won't be any awkwardness! Check out how to enable this feature below and how this will make everyone's digital life a lot easier.

How will it work? It will be as simple as typing in the name of the email recipient name. The people that have allowed their email to be shared with you will pop up with the normal Google clean look (seen above).

Google has also made sure you're in control of who your information is shared with:
This is very important for those of use wary of system abuse and want to keep their email to themselves. Only users in your circles (that you allow) can see the added option when adding recipients to their messages.

An update like this also integrates better with the new inboxes built into Gmail:
When someone in your circles emails you, the message appears in the Primary category. However, if you don't have them in your circles, it will be filtered into the Social category (if enabled) and they'll only be able start another conversation with you if you respond or add them to your circles. This is extremely important to combat spam. You can tell they're preemptively looking out for that.

These newest features are set to roll out within the next few days to Google+ and Gmail users. You'll get an email with a link to turn on the feature in your settings.

Will you be turning on the setting right when getting the email? What's the next feature you'd like to see combined with Google+? Share with us in the comments!