How To Change the World With Google+

How To Change the World With Google+
While Google+ can be a great place for building a brand and marketing a business, it's an even better place to change the world. In today's guest article, +Jessalyn Rae talks about how you can use Google+ to promote a social change message.

Most of us have figured out that Google+ contains tremendous opportunities for SEO, networking, and content marketing. All of these benefits are fabulous, especially for business owners.

However, right now I want to talk about a more subtle, yet very important benefit of the network--the immense potential for discussion. More discussion helps you spread your brand messaging. Loyal Google+ users prefer the network's in-depth conversation, sharing of ideas, and an accessible audience with similar interests over other social networks that are primarily used for personal sharing. For those seeking to highlight corporate responsibility philosophies, change public opinion, and spark passionate action, tapping into this demographic will be important.

Many successful start-up companies utilize the power of social media to produce both thought leadership and initiation of action into a desired outcome.

Cropmobster, a startup company that connects farmers with perishable surplus food with consumers, integrated corporate responsibility as part of their core messaging. In one year the company rerouted over 400,000 pounds of food waste in one year from landfills.

Consumers value companies that value them. Making your audience aware of your commitment toward positive change solidifies customer loyalty, and inspires them to join your cause. Ideally, this combination can lead to the best known advertising in business--word of mouth.

How to make Google+ work for your organization

I have assisted a number of diverse companies with their social media marketing. The majority of them have had a social change message. They want to promote composting, sustainable building, LEED standards in government buildings, reduction of deaths from hospital acquired infections, women pursuing careers in construction, etc. These are all very simple ideas.

The difficulty becomes getting people to think about, embrace, discuss and begin to promote the idea themselves.

Google+ provides a great platform to reach a large demographic for social messaging. But like every other form of social media, you will need to develop a specific strategy. Here are some successful principles I've discovered to harness Google+'s potential for maximizing the power of discussion and initiating consumer action to benefit the company. These helped me to initiate the most and the best discussions.

Be Human

This one really shouldn’t be that hard, but for some reason it is. Talk to me, not at me. We all know what we like to see in our feed and what drives us crazy. However, some of us just can’t stop emulating the pages that we hate. Don’t drive people crazy. Be unequivocally human and conversational. If you wouldn’t say it in real life then don’t say it on Google+. The people here have a very low tolerance fluff, and you will wind up doing more harm than good. Got that? Great! Now you’re ready for the meat.

Refine Your Message

Now is the time for me to let you in on a little secret: Almost every company can have a social change message. Pick something that makes you different, and decide on one cohesive message. Do you sell cheese? Talk to us about how cheese benefits communities, local economies, farmers, etc. Give me something that will be interesting to discuss and that I will want to help you promote, even if I am lactose intolerant. For example, your message could be that your cheese is made from milk that comes from free-range cows because you oppose cruelty to animals.

Now, I bet most of you had an opinion about that message, right? An emotional reaction of some kind? Good! That’s what you are trying to accomplish.

Embrace Different Perspectives

So, what if your social change message is a little bit controversial? There are a number of possible perspectives on any given issue. You might be wondering, “What if someone disagrees with me?” That’s ok! You cannot inspire the kind of emotional reaction necessary to spark discussion without acquiring some dissenters.

Differing opinions can be a good thing. It’s hard to have a prolonged discussion when all the comments say, “I agree” “Me too” “Me three!”. It is also hard to inspire change without encountering resistance from someone who was comfortable with the old way. The key is to be respectful. Encourage different perspectives: don't be dismissive, and don’t allow commenters to use inflammatory language with each other. Google+ is the perfect place for respectful debate. It attracts a wealth of intelligent, knowledgeable, and diverse users.

Be Passionate About Ideas

It will be hard to inspire passion in your social change message if you aren’t passionate about ideas yourself.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you have multiple interests?
  • Do you engage in conversation with other users? 
  • Are you actually interested in the messages you are sending?

Nothing will boost your engagement efforts like a little old fashioned self-improvement. If you don’t have anything interesting in your brain then you won’t have anything interesting to say. Read, talk, interact, take up a hobby. Do all of this in real life as well as on the internet.

I’m just as much of an introvert as the next internet junkie, but if I am hiding behind the wall of Google+ then it will show. Be the kind of person you would want to talk to!

Google+ is the perfect platform for both marketers and individuals to promote a social change message and I hope you will find a way to use it as such. Get excited, and people will get excited with you! I wish you the best of luck, and a viral spread of your ideas.

Image source: NASA Visible Earth