Head of Google+, Vic Gundotra leaving Google

Today we say farewell to Vic Gundotra, the head of Google+, as he leaves Google after an almost eight year tenure.

UPDATE+Dave Besbris is to take over Vic's position as the head honcho of Google+.

In a post (on Google+, of course!), +Vic Gundotra has announced that he will soon be leaving Google+ and Google. This announcement comes just two days after it revealed on Secret that he was interviewing at other companies.

Vic has spent eight years at Google in differing roles including being responsible for all of Google's mobile applications and starting Google I/O. His final role with Google will be Senior Vice President of Social which he has held since before the launch of Google+.

In his post, Vic does not give any notice as where he might be going next. However, he does state that he will let the public know soon. It will be interesting to see if he begins working at another large company or if he joins a startup.

It will be interesting to see how often Vic continues to use Google+. In addition, we will have to wait and see if he begins using his Twitter account which it is rumored Larry Page asked him to leave dormant a few years ago.

There is not any notice as to who might take the reigns of Google+. However, it is probably safe to assume that his 2nd in command, +Bradley Horowitz, who we interviewed recently, will be promoted.

The +Google Plus Daily team would like to say farewell to Vic. Thank you for all of your work creating a product that we and our readers have come to love! Thank you for being a friend of ours by commenting on a few posts, joining in conversations in our Google+ Updates community, and allowing us to interview you. We wish you good luck in your next endeavors!

What do you think is next for Vic? Who do you think will take over as the Senior Vice President of Social at Google? Let us know in the comments below!