"Add People" button added to desktop version of Google+

The "Add People" button is being seen by users on the desktop web version of Google+, signaling that the feature might be making it's way over from the mobile app.

A separate option notification draw for adding people to your circles on Google+ has been a part of the mobile app UI for months now; however, according +Gabriel Komarnicki, it appears to be rolling out or at least being tested on the desktop web version as well.

In an effort to continue to increase the engagement of users with each other, especially new users, the Google+ team is constantly looking for new ways to connect users with each other. The fact that this feature that has only been in the mobile app for some time is making it's way to the desktop web, signals that it may be working with Google+ app users.

As seen in the screenshot in this article, the button is located in the top right of Google+ along with the Hangouts button and the notification bell. When clicked, it shows a list of people to add. In this screenshot, the people have been hidden for privacy reasons by Gabriel.

What do you think about these suggestions making their way into the desktop web experience of Google+? Do you think it will increase engagement among users?