Google+ becomes slightly more integrated with your TV

Use Android or iOS devices to share photos on Chromecast.
Though Google+ was not prominent at this year’s Google I/O keynote this morning, a few new features in other products have indirectly brought Google+ features into the spotlight.

Most prominently, a significant Chromecast update will let you stream a slideshow of your Google+ photos onto your TV when it’s not in use. When this update rolls out later this year, you can choose albums to cast from the Chromecast app for Android and iOS. From there, your TV will automatically download the photos and rotate through them automatically.

People who have been waiting for a chance to showcase their photography on large, high-quality screens will hopefully be happy to see the new feature roll out to their Chromecasts. As the Director of Product Management for Chromecast +Rishi Chandra said when he announced the update, “Your TV is now the biggest picture frame in your house.”

Another tiny detail I noticed is the +Mr. Jingles notification bell at the bottom of the Android TV home screen. Unfortunately, it was never interacted with, so as of right now it’s unclear if Google+ notifications are coming to Android TV and, if so, what that interface might look like.
The notification bell on the Android TV developer preview.
What do you think of the announcements at I/O? What took you by surprise, and is there anything you wish they had covered? Tell us in the comments section below!