New sketching fun for non-mobile Hangouts

Get ready to draw funny pictures on your friend's faces! Actually, that's just scratching the surface of what you can do with the new addition to Hangouts on the web. It's a subtle change, but chances are you'll already have the ability to do this as you read this article.

I'm confident right about now you're asking: "How do I do this, Cory?!?". Well, Here's the secret to accessing the sketching ability - Go to a chat and hover over the camera logo in the bottom-right corner and a pencil will appear. See the image below for an example.
Time to practise your calligraphy
VoilĂ ! Now you have the ability to make your own sketch or upload a photo and draw all over it. Check out my terrible rendition of Link below!
You can also sketch on pictures already shared to the Hangout by hovering your cursor over the image shared and hitting the pencil button that appears on the top-right.

I'm sure you can draw better than me. So get sketching!

How would you feel if this was included on mobile Hangouts? Would it be too cluttered and why?