Hangouts for iOS bumped to 4.1

Can you believe we're having this conversation again? So soon after iOS scored the new 4.0 makeover, now it appears Android users are getting another jab to the pride.

All joking and silly Photoshopping aside, this is getting a tad ridiculous. Don't you think? The originally promised "soon" timeframe is getting longer by the day for those stuck with Hangouts 3.3 on Android. I'm confident I'm not the only one who wants more information on how long the wait will be.

Luckily for me, it's a "simple" update. Let's jump in, shall we?

Pretty much all we have is a some more user interface enhancements, an "improved experience", and the ability to send multiple photos at once. Not too much, right? ;-)

My girlfriend says she's not ashamed of her Candy Crush addiction.
My exclusive source (a.k.a my girlfriend) reports that there are very slight changes to the way photos can be added. Other than that, they're really wasn't much new:
You can stop adding attachments, go back, and they're still selected. 
So what does this mean for Android users holding their breath for Hangouts 4.0 to trickle down to them? First of all, start breathing again! Secondly, realize that Google just wants to make sure we have the best experience overall on each device. It's not their style to release anything half baked.

<rant>The bottom line is I want Google to commit to showing their loyal fanbase a better timeline for next time. Just because the iOS team is working overtime to push out new code, doesn't mean we should be left in the dark. </rant>

What do you think is holding up the Android version? Maybe we'll be getting something iOS doesn't for a change? Please let us know in the comments!