Announcing Google Plus Daily

Hello! We are Google Plus Daily, a brand new website, delivering up to the minute Google+ news, top-notch content including how-to's, community and page recommendations, and everything else Google+!

I had started a page (formally +#googleplusupdate) on Google+ back in summer of 2012, after spotting and sharing updates on my personal profile.

It quickly became apparent that I had started something which had the potential to become quite big, but I had never imagined that starting a website to facilitate a quickly growing number of followers and an ever expanding number of community members.

That's right, roughly 6 months and over +22,000 plusses. I still can't wrap my mind around it.

Our Mission

My mission used to be to find and report any updates that no one has reported (or had been officially announced) as quickly as possible. Now that I've assembled a small team of awesome people, we want to be your number 1 source for product updates, news and anything else related to Google's social platform.

The GPD Team

We are a team of 4 here at Google Plus Daily, let me introduce you:

+Lee Jarratt - Editor-in-chief
+Zach Alcorn  - Web designer, Writer
+Clayton Pritchard  - Director of Marketing, Writer
+Daniel Baines - Web programmer, Writer

More to Come...

We have a few more surprises that aren't quite ready for prime-time just yet, and we're excited to reveal what else we've got in store for you in the near future, so stay tuned!

Where Else to Find Us


You may have heard of us before, if not, we have a page on Google+ with over 4,100 followers (at time of posting). We have been running since summer of 2012, and we were amongst the first to get the news out on Communities and several other big feature improvements and releases.


At the time of posting, we have over 18,000 members in our community, Google+ Updates. Our community is very active, holding quality conversation and content. Our community members usually report updates (using the "Report update" category) that we haven't yet discovered, and once we verify that it is new, we credit tipsters on our page, and now Google Plus Daily.

Have you joined yet?


Got feedback for us? Great, we'd love to hear it! Let us know what we're doing wrong (and right), and tell us what content you'd like to see and we'll do our best to accommodate you, our valued readers!