[App Update] Google+ for Android 3.5 Adds Support for Community Moderation and More

Google+ for Android has just gotten an update which supports community moderation, adding of links to posts and a new notifications tray.

What's New

Here's the official change log straight from the "what's new" section on +Google Play:
  • Support for adding a link when creating a post
  • New notifications tray
  • Additional Community moderation features

Notifications Tray

The notifications tray now slides into view from the right, which is a big improvement from previous revisions.
notifications tray
A new notifications tray makes for a better experience

Community Moderation Tools

One of the most useful new additions is that of better community moderator tools. Moderators can now remove spam posts (or make them visible) directly from the app, a very useful tool for those managing large communities.
moderation tools
Be gone, spam!

What's Not On the Change log

Here's some things that we've spotted in the update that isn't in the official change log:


We're now treated to a search button in the ribbon menu
There is now a "search" button in the navigation ribbon. With the addition of the new search button, it seems inevitable that eventually the "find people" button will be merged so that we have a universal search similar to the search experience on desktop.

Performance Optimisations

We've noticed that the app is speedier, and definitely a lot smoother. Though we've got no benchmarking comparisons, we think you'll agree with us.


Not grabbed the Google+ app for Android yet? Just hit the "Download" button we've conveniently placed for you.

Noticed something that we've missed in the latest update? Hit us up in the comments below!

Image credit: Google Play