How to Create a Poll Using Do Share

In this how-to, I'll show you how you can quickly and easily share a poll on Google+. It's simple!

Google+ doesn't have an official feature for poll creation, but I've seen people using a method for creating a simple poll using the share box, and it works reasonably well, that is if you're quick enough to disable comments after you've created your poll options (comments).

There is a quicker, and much simpler way to create a poll (and more) using an extension I've been using for a long time now...

Meet Do Share

+Do Share is a fantastic Google Chrome extension for writing and scheduling posts on Google+, with a chock full of features.

The developer behind Do Share, +Tzafrir Rehan talks briefly about his project's vision:
Do Share is focused on the task of sharing on Google+, with a vision of allowing easy and efficient sharing that assists the user in making the best of Google+.
So without further ado, here's a quick 3-step guide on how to create a quick poll using Do Share!

Creating a Poll

Step 1

Creating a poll is super-easy with Do Share, just click the yellow button located on your Chrome toolbar, this will open up the Do Share page.

Step 2

Click "Create new post" and select the check box, this will create three pre-set options/comments.

Step 3

Once you fill in the header (text in bold), the main body and the options, then you're good to go! Just select the people or circles you'd like to share the poll with and it will publish your poll automatically.



Do Share is not only great for creating a quick poll, it's particularly known for it's post scheduling feature, as well as its wide array of sharing options.

Here's the full list of features:
  • Support for Google+ profiles as well as Google+ pages
  • Supports sharing to circles, +mentions, notifying circle, link sharing, reshares, and photo uploads
  • Supports sharing to Google+ communities
  • Supports Hashtag autocomplete
  • Supports multiple Google logins
  • Distraction free rich text editor
  • Save drafts
  • Automatic numbering of posts
  • Offline mode
  • Automated poll creation

What's Next for Do Share?

I asked Tzafrir if he could give us a hint of what's coming up in future versions of Do Share, but he didn't give us much to chew on:
I can't speak about specific features coming, but Do Share is growing in ways that make that vision a reality, by listening to user requests and identifying popular uses of Google+.

Ready to Download?

If you're already rocking +Google Chrome, than you're good to go, all you need to do is click the button below to install the extension. If you're not a Chrome user, you can download it here (Win/Mac/Linux).