Announcing Make the Switch

Today, I’m very excited to announce a project that I’ve been working on with the other writers of +Google Plus Daily , as well as some big +Google+ personalities who will be posting over the next 28 days.

Make the Switch

We’re launching Make the Switch, a campaign to inform users of how Facebook has been treating them badly and to show them how Google+ makes for a much better experience.

We created Make the Switch to highlight the benefits of Google+ as well as educating users about Facebook's bad poor practices  The website displays 5 simple steps on how users can make the switch to Google+, and to inform others why and how they've done so.

We Need Your Help

We’re asking G+ users everywhere to check out and share, and to use the hashtag #maketheswitch to talk about reasons to exchange Facebook for Google+. Make sure to invite your friends and family on whatever network they're currently on - we've even included Facebook profile pictures and banner images. You can also join the Make the Switch Community to help new G+ users.


Why do I want people to Make the Switch. Because Google+ is a better experience for interacting with friends and family. It’s a place where I can trust my digital identity, and it’s a way to meet all sorts of exciting new people. We’ll share many more reasons over the next 28 days, keep following #maketheswitch to see it all.

Are you ready to help users Make the Switch?