Stay Connected to Google+ With 4 Official Chrome Apps and Extensions

Ever missed an important Google+ notification while you surf the web? Ever wanted to +1 a webpage, but there was no +1 button in sight? Not to worry, there's a +Google Chrome extension for that!

Google+ Notifications

Keep on-top of notifications with this handy extension
Whatever Google product you use, be it +Gmail+YouTube, or even +Google Play, the Google Bar comes as standard. The Google Bar allows you to quickly switch between different Google services, and allows you to switch accounts quickly and easily. My favourite feature though, is the notification square, allowing me to keep in the loop on Google+. However, when you leave the comfort of the Google family of services, you no longer have this bar, and thus you're kept in the dark without the glowing red box which alerts you on new +mentions and more.

It doesn't have to be this way, with the Google+ Notifications Chrome Extension.You'll be able to see your notifications anywhere you go online when you install this handy extension.

Google +1 Button

Get your +1 fix with this extension
The use of the +1 button on websites has begun to spread, but not all webmasters have caught on and added it to their website yet. Sometimes, you're on one of these websites and you want to share it with your circles. Instead of copying the URL of the website, going to Google+, and sharing the link, you can simply add the Google +1 Button Chrome Extension. You'll have a +1 button on every website to make sharing to Google+ simpler and faster!

Google+ App

Add this to your list of web apps!
If you've installed the above extensions and still can't get enough, why not add the official Google+ web app to your collection. Although it doesn't serve much purpose other than looking pretty (and being a quick-link for Chromebook users), you may as well get all three!

If you're rocking a Chromebook, you should have the Google+ web app pre-installed. If not, download it using the link below!

Google+ Hangouts App

And lastly, there's also the Google+ Hangouts app which upon launching will take you straight to the Hangouts screen so you can jump straight into the multi-video conferencing awesomeness! And just like with the Google+ app above, you should already have this pre-installed if you're a Chromebook user, but if not, feel free to install it yourself by clicking the download button below.

Are there any Chrome extensions for Google+ that you wish existed? Let us know in the comments below!