Accessibility Improvements for Hangouts, Bringing Sign Language Interpretation App and Keyboard Shortcuts

Two improvements to accessibility in Hangouts are rolling out today, one of which is a sign language interpretation app and the other being keyboard shortcuts.

The updates were announced by +Anna Cavender on the Hangouts team just minutes ago (from publishing) in this post.

Anna started off by saying:
Accessibility is something we care a lot about on the Hangouts team. The Hangout Captions app, for example, enables live transcription services for the deaf and hard of hearing ( And "Take the Floor" makes it easier for sign language speakers to do a Hangout together ( Today we're rolling out two accessibility improvements in Hangouts - a Sign Language Interpreter app, and a fuller set of keyboard shortcuts.

Sign Language Interpreter App

I'm very excited to hear about the sign language interpreter app, which will greatly benefit deaf and hard of hearing users. People who prefer to speak in sign language can invite an interpreter to speak and sign for them, and they'll appear at the top right of the window. Whenever the interpreter speaks for them, they'll always be given focus in the Hangout.


You can download the sign language interpreter hangout app using the download button below.

Keyboard Shortcuts 

Meet the new and ever-so-useful keyboard shortcuts box
This one is great for those who aren't able or just don't like using their mice.. You can now use keyboard shortcuts within Hangouts now. There are some useful ones, hitting Ctrl+D (or Command+D for Mac users) will mute your microphone, to start a chat just hit Ctrl+B. You can view the full list of shortcuts by hitting the question mark (?) key on your keyboard whilst in a Hangout.

The improvements are rolling out now, so keep your eye out and let us know what you think!

Images courtesy of +Anna Cavender