[How To] Hide Your Apps Card

When you sign into an app or website using the 'Sign in with Google' button, it gets added to a list on your profile. The 'apps card' may be visible to anyone visiting your profile, but don't fret, there's a quick and simple way to turn this off.

Information on our profiles has been given better visibility due to recent changes in the user interface. The information is now separated into what Google calls 'Cards', and each category stands out thanks to the coloured highlights lining the top of each card.

Although the list of apps you've signed into was visible from your profile before the changes, Google has made it clearer and simpler to edit your data, and to toggle your privacy settings.

Hiding Your Apps Card

Heading to your profile

It's pretty simple really, just head to your profile and switch to the 'About' tab, underneath your profile and cover photo.

To hide or not to hide

Then, scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see your apps card. Just hit 'Edit' underneath the list of apps.
A window will be displayed, just uncheck the box where it says "show apps card on your Google+ profile", then hit the 'Save' button.

That's it, you're all done! You're welcome.

Changing the Visibility of Select Apps

I should also mention that you can change the visibility of individual apps to public, extended circles, your circles or custom (select specific people and circles) by going to http://plus.google.com/apps, or manually navigating to the settings manually.
The apps dashboard, which is actually pretty useful
Do you choose to have your apps card visible or invisible to others? Let us know in the comments below!