[Minor Update] New Communities Dialogue

A minor Communities update which went live yesterday, now brings up a helpful dialogue when attempting to comment on a post belonging to a community you've not joined.

The master of Google+ Hangouts (as I like to call him), +Ronnie Bincer spotted the "tip" yesterday when trying to comment on a post from a community which he wasn't a part of.

When attempting to comment previously, a rather vague and unclear message would display at the top of the page stating "You are not allowed to comment".

As of yesterday, a pop-up dialogue will now display underneath the comment box with a more clear message, "You must join this community to comment". The new dialogue also includes a handy link to view the community, to be able to join and successfully publish the comment.
Now, nice and helpful dialogues "tip" you
The change had been confirmed by a Googler leading the Google+ Communities team at Google, +Brian Glick, in the comments section of Ronnie's post.

It's nice to know that Google are improving in the little things.