Remove Photos Suggested for Sharing, Straight from the Stream

A recent update to the Instant Upload widget allows users to remove photos suggested for sharing (i.e. - stop showing on the widget), from the comfort of your home stream.

The update, spotted by Google+ Updates community member, +Frank Berra, provided further information and a screenshot in his post, showing the update in action with a dialogue explaining the new feature, which reads:
"The photos that you delete from here will never be suggested for sharing, but they will still be available into instant upload (folder)"
Although you'd expect (or at least, I) that when clicking the cross on the photo thumbnail would delete it from the Instant Upload folder as well, it appears that this is not currently the case.
Roll your cursor over the cross to never see it in the widget again
If you don't see the changes yet, hang tight! The update is most likely currently in the process of rolling out to everyone.

What do you think of the changes to the widget?
Thanks for the tip +Frank Berra