Reminder: Google+ Games will shut down after today

Google+ Games will cease to work after today (30th June), so make sure to prepare and get ready to play elsewhere.

Google+ Games was announced a few months after the Google+ project was launched in the summer of 2011, however little progress was made on improving the service for users. The notice of the closure was put in place on the Google+ Games page which stated in a short and sweet manner:

"Google+ Games will not be available after 30 June 2013."

It then linked to a Learn More page, which informs users about the shuttering announced on May 15th, and highlights the new Google Play game services that was also announced at this year's Google I/O conference. Could this mean that Google Play games services will be taking the old Google+ Games' place and allow players to play across the web, Android and more? That's anyone's guess right now, and we'll have to wait and see...

Sad to see Google+ Games retire or not that bothered? Let us know!