How To Best Use Google+ Comments for Blogger

On Thursday, April 18th, 2013 Yonotan Zunger introduced Google+ comments for Blogger. This was a huge step in offer Google+ comments across the web. At the moment this service is only available through Blogger websites but most expect to see plugins for Wordpress in the near future. Stay tuned to Google Plus Daily for future updates with Wordpress Google+ comments plugins. The comments have been available for less than 24 hours but there are some things you will want to consider before jumping in head first.

What Will Share Publicly to Your Google+ Stream?

One of the options when composing a Google+ comment through a blogger post is to "Also Share on Google+". Under the comment box you will see that the default setting is to have this box checked. If this box is checked when you make a comment it will be shared to your public Google+ stream for the selected circles to read. If you have "public" selected the whole world will be able to see this comment in your updated stream.

This can be very useful if you want your followers to see something of interest. It might not be as useful if you are looking to make a quick comment such as an opinion or a response to a subject. Before hitting the "Share" button think about how you want to broadcast this comment. After playing around with this feature on a few different websites you will begin to better grasp what you would like to "Also Share on Google+" and what you simply want to share with those commenting under that post.

Try Not to Spam Your Stream

As soon as Google Plus Daily had Google+ comments installed I commented on two or three different posts without realizing that the comments were checked with "Also Share on Google+". When I went back to my personal profile I noticed that I had several posts that were generated quickly. If you do not post a lot on Google+ this might surprise some of your followers. If you plan to make a lot of comments on a particular Blogger website think about this before pumping out 10 or 15 new Google+ posts through comments in a short period of time.

This is a great function to help your following find content that interests you. It is truly seamless. You can make a comment in the form of a Google+ post and the link will automatically be shared for your following to see. This is something many of us have been waiting for. One of the best functions of Google+ is the ability to share content with ease. This is another step in the right direction. If used correctly many will find that they are connecting with similar users at a quicker pace than prior to the release.