New Feature for Google+ Hangouts Automatically Mutes When You Type

Participating in a hangout or watching a HOA (Hangout On Air) can be a frustrating experience when all you can hear is the sound of someone typing on the keyboard. Today it all changes, thanks to a new feature many will appreciate.

The update to Hangouts, announced by Googler +Tim Haloun in a Google+ post highlights the key changes which are:
  • If someone keeps typing in a Hangout, their mic will be muted until they stop
  • They'll see an in-Hangout notification, so they know they're not interrupting the conversation
  • We’ll do this for larger Hangouts (4+ people)."
You'll be notified if you've been muted due to keyboard typing
The feature is rolling out to everyone now, so be patient if you don't have the new feature yet.

So what do you think of the improvements? Give us your thoughts in the comment section below.

Source and images: Announcement Post