Google+ for iOS 4.4 Rolls Out

The Google+ team rolls out a new app for iOS that includes a dedicated Hangouts app, enhanced photo features, increased comment and profile editing capabilities and related hashtags.

After updating the Google+ Android app and the mobile web experience last week, the Google+ team announced an update to the iOS app to give it many of the same features as the Android app. However, it didn't get any special features. It also seems as though it is no longer behind the Android app, which has caused some iOS users to become annoyed in the past.

What's New

One of the new features announced at Google I/O for the desktop version was this idea of related hashtags automatically appearing with your post based on the content of the post. It makes posts easier to search and helps to give users an idea of what a post is about before they read it all. The ability to see those has now made it's way to the Google+ app for iOS.
Google+ for iOS Adds Related Hashtags
Related hashtags
Users of the Google+ app for Android have been able to edit most of their profile, including their cover photo, with the app; however, this has been a task that iOS users had to go to the desktop to complete. Now, the Google+ team has fixed that. iOS users can edit more of their profile including the cover photo which has received more prominence as of late.
Google+ for iOS Adds Profile Editing
Profile editing
The big update in version 4.4.0 of the Google+ app for iOS was the enhanced features for photos. The photos features discussed at Google I/O and added to the Android app have made their way to the iOS app. iOS users now have the Auto Backup, Highlight, Enhance and Awesome features at their disposal.
Google+ Photos
Easily edit your photos inside the app.

Use the download button below to grab the updated Google+ app for iOS devices from the App Store and let us know what are your thoughts are in the comments!