Save This Search: #AutoAwesome

In the first post for our new Culture portal, we're going to kick things off with a new series: Save This Search.

Google+ allows users to tap into streams full of information and rich content, and saved searches allows you to access these in a click of a button. The idea with this new series is to show you, the reader, what's currently hot on Google+ and other interesting topics for you to dive into.

Save This Search: #AutoAwesome

At Google I/O 2013, +Vic Gundotra announced a brand new look and feel with a chock full of new features to boot. One of these is something called Auto Awesome, which is "a tool used to create fun photos for you". One of the features of Auto Awesome is motion, which turns a burst of photos uploaded with Auto Backup into a single animated image, delivered in a tidy .GIF format. The feature has become very popular, with thousands experimenting with the snappy stop-motion wonder.

Here's an example of a motion Auto Awesome image, took by my friend, +Jordan van Beem:
The best way to find and view motion Auto Awesome images is to search for #AutoAwesome (within Google+ of course) and clicking on the "Save This Search" button on the big blue bar underneath. You really can't miss it.
For more recent posts in the stream, click on "Best of" and select "Most recent"
Be warned, you may find yourself being heavily addicted to the #autoawesome stream. I am.

What are your favourite saved searches? Let us know in the comments!