[How To] Sign Up for the Google+ Weekly Update Newsletter

We’re taking apart the official weekly newsletter of the most interesting things happening on Google+.

In October, the +Google+ page announced a weekly digest of their favorite people, Communities, Hangouts, and Events. It’s full of exciting content and really gives you a chance to see all of the big things going on around Google+. Now we’re going to break down an issue to see what it has to offer.
Weekly Happening
Every email greets you by name!


Each week, a single top story usually showcases a famous celebrity or expert using Google+’s social networking tools to connect to their audience. This weeks newsletter featured +Black Sabbath using a Hangout on Air to promote the release of a new album.
Weekly Tips
Some useful advice.


Every week comes with a new insider tip on how to take advantage of everything Google+ has to offer. If you’re hungry for more, you can check out our How-To section for extra in-depth suggestions, like the one you’re reading now!
Weekly Highlights
Most stories invite participation through
Communities or Hangouts.


Other interesting events are featured here and will often include links to Hangouts, Communities, or Events directly in the message; +Al Gore's Google+ Conversations launch is just one example.

Upcoming Events

So far we've seen some featured videos and events that already happened - but there are lots of things to look forward to. The Google+ team even compiled a list of the most important scheduled events so you won’t miss a thing!

Sign Up

Weekly Sign-Up
Staying up-to-date is just a click away.
Finally, what you really want to know: where do I sign up? Just click here to get the newsletter sent straight to your inbox every Friday. That’s it! Hopefully you’ll find something new and exciting in every update.