Update your Company’s Communication with Google+ Private Communities

Google+ Private Communities can boost your company's collaboration and efficiency while also keeping your information secure.

Whenever I'm asked for more information about Google+ Communities, the first thing I bring up is how easily they bring together people with common interests. The wide range of topics is truly remarkable, as users can find a place to discuss anything they can think of.

I also try to mention the privacy aspect of Google+ Communities. Public Communities are great for discussing topics of mutual interest, but sometimes there is a need to control who has access.

With Private Communities you can restrict access to invite only, and even have the option to remove it from search results. Not to mention, Communities can be created in about as much time it took to read this sentence.

You’re probably asking yourself, "Why would anyone want to create a community, but not let anyone join it?"

Well, if you’re looking for a medium to share information securely with your organization, then you’ll quickly realize why. While you do have the option to just share a Google+ post with your Google Apps organization, Private Communities o
ffer so much more functionality.
Google Gooru's Internal Community
Private Communities merge the openness and easy communication of a public forum, with the security Google is known for. A Private Community could be segmented to fill a number of different needs that are unique to your organization.

Best of all, Private Communities make online collaboration so much simpler. Users can have ongoing discussions about what is most important to them while never being in the same city, state or even country. And if you’re looking for some face-to-face time, you can start a Hangout directly from your Private Community.

If you’re looking for an easy way to overhaul your organizations communication, check out Google+ Private Communities.

To Create a Private Community:

  1. Click on the Communities icon in the vertical navigation bar on the left-hand side of your Google+ page
  2. Click on the Create A Community button at the top of your screen
  3. Select Private, then name your Community
  4. You can then choose to hide your community from search, or allow people to find it on their own. If you’re creating a private community for you organization, I suggest hiding it from search.
  5. Customize your community by photo, tagline, about and various discussion sections.
  6. You will then be prompted to invite members to join. You can invite people individually or by circles (great for easily inviting your entire organization).
Andrew McGonnigle
Andrew manages the day-to-day operations of Google Gooru, the top Google Apps information resource on the web.
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