[Quick Tip] View the All Notifications Page in One Step

The notification bell.

The new bell notification interface has been rolling out gradually to users, and some of you may have noticed that it no longer has a link to “View all notifications” - as +Dustin W. Stout was kind enough to point out in a post, there’s a really easy workaround.

Drag and drop notifications.
Just drag and drop!
All you have to do is drag the notification bell to the omnibar and it’ll automatically take you to a list of all your notifications, easily sortable by type.

While this doesn’t work with the Chrome extension, it does work with the old notification box as well!

If that's not enough, +Jens Graikowski kindly shared two more ways to access it:

  1. Save the page to your bookmarks
  2. Right-click the notification icon and hit "Open link in new tab."

Have you been updated to the new notification layout? Do you like it? Tell us in the comments!