More than 15 summer specific Google+ Events themes added

Google+ Events Logo
The themes on Google+ Events are part of what make it one of the most fun and better looking features of Google+. Over fifteen new Google+ Events themes have been added for users to use when planning the usual assortment of seasonal summer activities, such as BBQs, camping and whitewater rafting.

Summer Specific Google+ Events Themes
New fun summer specific Google+ Events themes!
To check out the recently added Events themes, just head to or click on "Event" from the stream and then "Change theme". You'll see them in the appropriately named "Seasonal" category which happens to be the default category on the selection screen.
Google+ Events summer themes
Select the appropriate theme for that perfect finishing touch to your event
This isn't the first time that the Google+ team have added seasonal themes for events, they've been adding them since product launch at Google I/O 2012, with notable sets for Halloween and Christmas. There were also Google+ Events themes added in January for Valentines Day and the American Football Superbowl.

Are you planning any events using Google+ this summer season?