Communities member pages now show who's in your circles

It is now easier to see who in a community is in your circles, thanks to an update announced by Googler, +Brian Glick today.

The change adds an icon to the lower-right of each member's card who is in your circles. Certainly a very minor addition, but will prove to be quite useful for members of smaller communities. Thanks Brian!
Look for the circles icon on community members cards
To see for yourself, just click on "See all" above the members grid in a community.
Big and little improvements just like these are added based on user feedback, every report counts! To send feedback to the Google+ team, just click on "Feedback" under the settings button on the left navigation menu on the desktop web (hit the menu button to send feedback on Android, and shake to send feedback from your iPhone).

Let us know in the comments if you found the update useful!
Source: Brian Glick