New way to "discover" Google+ pages & people to follow

Google+'s Suggested User List is now being integrated into the "People" section of Google+ with a brand-new "Discover" tab.

The Suggested User List has long been a staple of the sign-up process for Google+ and could always (and still) be found on the "Get started" page. It is a way to help new users fill out their circles so that they don't have a blank Stream to start. However, now the Suggested User List is coming to current users in the form of "Discover."
Google+ People "Discover" tab

There are many of different categories to choose from including the usuals from the Suggested User List like "Technology," "Sports," and "Photography." At the bottom of the list of different categories of pages and profiles to add, users will also now see a new category, "Your YouTube subscriptions." This category includes any of your YouTube subscriptions that you are not yet following on Google+.

The Google+ pages and profiles that appear on this personalized section of Suggested User List are only those that have connected their YouTube and Google+ profile, so if you have an active YouTube channel and you want to make sure your subscribers are prompted to follow you on Google+, you need to make sure you finish that connection.
"Your YouTube subscriptions"
The user interface for the information cards about the pages and people has changed a bit When clicking on a page or profile to learn more about them, the card has been given an update. Now all the information is to the left-hand side, like it is for +Marques Brownlee in the example picture above, with their recent posts on the right-hand side for perusing.
Updated Suggested User List card interface
Do you follow your YouTube subscriptions on Google+? Join the discussion in the comments below.