Pixel's Google+ Photos app is now available on any Chromebook

The Google+ Photos Chrome app, previously available only on the Chromebook Pixel, has expanded its compatibility to any device running Chrome OS.

As we reported when the app first became available for the Pixel, it allows users to automatically upload images to their private Google+ Photos library whenever they insert an SD card into their device. This feature works similarly to Auto Upload in the Google+ app for Android - which, interestingly enough, added a “G+ Photos” icon to the homescreen in its latest update which links back to the Photos section of the Google+ app.
The Google+ Photos app running on a Samsung Chromebook
+Steve McKay, who made the announcement for the Chrome app’s increased compatibility, reminded us that it also features an interface similar to that on the web which lets users view highlights and share photos or albums directly to Google+. The app even works offline, showing the most recent uploaded photos.

The app now runs on all Chromebooks and Chromeboxes, though there’s no word yet on whether it will make the jump to Chrome browsers on other operating systems.
Google+ Photos packaged app in action


So if you've got a Chromebook and want to get in on the action, get the app now on the Chrome Web Store: 

Do you use Google+ Photos on your Chrome OS computer? What features would you like to add to Google+ Photos? Share your ideas in the comments section below!

Chromebook Photo: +Steve McKay