[Reader Feedback] How have you set up Google+ Locations?

With Google retiring Latitude last month, Google+ Locations is now the new way to share your location. With Pinpoint and City Location sharing, we want to know who you share your location with?
In has been a busy couple of weeks for Google regarding location sharing. Back in July, Google retired Latitude in favor of Google+ Locations. This move to Google+ Locations is a trend we have been seeing for the past year, as Google pushes its social network into more of its products.

This week, the Google+ team have introduced some welcome changes to the way your location is shared with your circles. Users can now share either their pinpoint location, which is a more exact location such as a street address, and their city location. Both location options can be shared with individuals, your circles, the public or just yourself.

It can be difficult to decide what location setting to share and to what people and/or circles. You may be very privacy conscious, and only want your city location shared with your friends. Or you may not be too fussed who knows where you are, and share your pinpoint location with the public or extended circles.

Let us know what location sharing settings you're using. Who are you sharing your pinpoint location with? Who are you sharing your city location with?