Google+ embeddable posts & Google Authorship integrated into WordPress & Typepad

Today the Google+ Developers Blog announced embeddable Google+ posts directly onto other websites, as well as Google Authorship integration with Google+ Sign-In.

One of the most widely-requested features for Google+ has been the ability for websites to embed (only public) posts into their blogs or other websites, and now that’s possible just by clicking on the options button in the top right-hand corner of a post, selecting “Embed post” and pasting the provided code onto a website.

You can see the feature in action on our site below, and if you’re not convinced you can click through the post link and see it used on the National Geographic website:

As you can see, the post works just like it would on the Google+ website with the ability to add the author to your circles, view or add +1’s and comments, and update if the original post is edited.

At the same time, the Google+ Developers Blog announced the start of integration with Google+ Sign-In and Google Authorship, which displays a by-line, a profile picture thumbnail, and a link to your Google+ profile next to pages someone has written when they appear in Google Search results.  We love the new embedded posts feature, so check out the original announcement:

Previously, Google Authorship was only available by using Blogger (a Google program) or by inserting code directly into a website. Now, starting with WordPress and Typepad you can simply use Google+ Sign-In to log into your account and pages will automatically be associated with your account. The blog also announced that integration with, WikiHow, and Examiner is on the way.

This update is a huge boon for content creators and bloggers (like us!) who are looking for new ways to simplify and connect their websites to Google+ and the web at large. Not only will it be easier for authors to gain recognition for their work; as Google+ platforms director +Seth Sternberg told The Verge, letting users embed Google+ posts into external websites is a step towards reaching Google’s goal “... to create one seamless experience across all of the internet.”

How are you going to use embedded posts and Google+ Sign-In/Authorship integration? What do you like about these features, and how would you improve them? Share your experiences and ideas in the comments section below!