From my early days of Google+, I wanted to track my progress in terms of reach and engagement. This can be nearly impossible without the proper tools. At this point, Google does not offer analytical tools for a personal Google+ profile. There are some analytical tools for a page but they have to be installed as part of HTML code. Most novice webmasters have yet to take advantage of these tools because they take time to understand and install. I am a numbers person so seeing my reach and engagement increase is important to me. Fortunately, there are a few third party tools that are available.
Tracking progress on Google+ [Wojdylo Wednesday]
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Wednesday, September 18, 2013
In today's "Wojdylo Wednesday" article, +Jesse Wojdylo discusses the third-party tools available to track your progress on Google+ while we wait for native analytical tools from Google+.
From my early days of Google+, I wanted to track my progress in terms of reach and engagement. This can be nearly impossible without the proper tools. At this point, Google does not offer analytical tools for a personal Google+ profile. There are some analytical tools for a page but they have to be installed as part of HTML code. Most novice webmasters have yet to take advantage of these tools because they take time to understand and install. I am a numbers person so seeing my reach and engagement increase is important to me. Fortunately, there are a few third party tools that are available.
From my early days of Google+, I wanted to track my progress in terms of reach and engagement. This can be nearly impossible without the proper tools. At this point, Google does not offer analytical tools for a personal Google+ profile. There are some analytical tools for a page but they have to be installed as part of HTML code. Most novice webmasters have yet to take advantage of these tools because they take time to understand and install. I am a numbers person so seeing my reach and engagement increase is important to me. Fortunately, there are a few third party tools that are available.