Minor change to "Read more" links in Google+ and YouTube comments

"Read more" links in comments will now display how many lines of text will open, in comments across both Google+ and the newly Google+ powered YouTube comments.

This is a small change as far as implementation goes, but will drastically improve the comment reading experience, especially when on YouTube, as it has been subject to heavy spam when the new comments system started rolling out worldwide just weeks ago. Spammers have been taking advantage of the very lax character limit for comments, often posting entire manuscripts for books and movies.

The change to comments means users can now get an idea of how long a comment is before clicking the Read more button, as it displays how many lines of text there are in the link. For example, the link would look something like this - Read more (24 lines)
A Google+ comment example
A YouTube comment example
The change also affects fairly long posts on Google+ too, which has already been warmly welcomed by users of both platforms.

The update is rolling out now, though we suspect that most users will already have it by now.

Are you a fan of the recent changes made to the Read more links for posts and comments?