Moderate Hangouts On Air with the new Control Room app

Google has announced a new app for Hangouts On Air hosts, which provides better moderation of audio levels and more. 

Rolling out over the next few days, Control Room allows the host of a Hangout On Air session to easily moderate participants in the session, with toggles for showing or hiding their video or adjusting the level of their audio.

The interface has a simple, does-what-it-says-on-the-tin attitude which mostly keeps out of the way of the content, having all of the bits and bobs along the right side of the screen.

The team who work on Hangouts are hoping it will help deliver more professional broadcasts, and as always, wanting feedback on Control Room. Make sure to read the original post by +J.D. Salazar embedded below:

Checking out Control Room? Let us know what you think!
Image: +J.D. Salazar