Communities added to Google+ mobile site, improved look and feel

The mobile website for Google+ has been updated, sporting a more consistent look and feel to its desktop and app counterparts. Support for Communities has also been added, over a year after the feature graced the desktop.

Google+ for the mobile web was last updated over 6 months ago, which brought slicker looking profiles and a card layout for the stream. Users on feature phones or smartphones that don't run Android or iOS can now catch up on their communities via the mobile website, with most of the bells and whistles you'll find on the apps.

When loading up your stream, a promotional banner for Communities will appear, which you can either dismiss by tapping the cross at the top right, or pressing on "Explore now", which will wing you straight to the Communities landing page. You'll see that there are 2 tabs: "Discover" and "Your communities". Discover allows you to browse through recommended hubs, and the other is self-explanatory.
Can't find a Community you can call home? Tap on the handy blue search button
Aside from the addition of Communities, the interface has been given some love. A sleeker navigation bar and circle picker makes the experience feel closer in line with the other ways you can access Google+. Tapping on search will display a "Trending" card, something mobile site users have missed out on.
All in all, the mobile optimised version has been given a much needed refresh, but is still far from reaching parity with the apps. One obvious example is that Events is still missing, and a mobile site version of Hangouts.

Are you a G+ mobile web user? What do you think of the changes introduced recently?