[How To] View your Google+ statistics for 2013 with CircleCount

CircleCount, the definitive statistics service for Google+ users has introduced a nifty new feature which generates your own personal infograph based on your activity, dubbed - "Your 2013".

If you don't already know, +CircleCount does exactly what it says - it counts the circles in which you are included in on Google+. That alone can be very handy indeed, but the service also provides other useful information based on how many plusses, shares and comments your posts get on average. But that's not all; taking a look on their website will give you a taste of how they can translate the masses of publicly available data and turn it into useful graphs, charts and of course, what the web loves: infographics.

Year 2013 Infographic

circlecount.com already does a heck of a lot, but that doesn't mean they've stopped churning out new features and other concoctions. Their tagline is to "Help you better understand Google+" after all. The talented team has crafted a tool which sums up your activity on Google+ from the past year and presents it to you in a no-nonsense infographic. It includes everything you might expect:
  • How many public posts you made
  • Plusses you received
  • Shares counted from your public posts
  • The amount of comments
  • ... And follower history
Also includes comments and follower history charts
Having your own inforgraphic generated is a quick and simple process, just head to circlecount.com/myyear2013 and tap the button which signs you into the service, fittingly with Google+ (Note that new users may or may not see their follower history, as it's the only number that isn't available through the Google+ API and relies on CircleCount's own index (thanks Chris!)).

Once you've logged in, your infographic will be displayed (it may take a few seconds) ready for you to take a look and share with your circles. Speaking of sharing, CircleCount also takes care of that with a press of a button. Hit the blue share button above your infographic and you'll see that the service has already filled out your post with a quick description of the feature (with hashtags and all), ready to share to whom you please.

Let us know what you make of your infographics, and feel free to share them with us by +mentioning us in your post!